Worship & special services
Where all are valued

Below are our Services for the coming weeks:
- 2 February, Keith Hartrick
- 9 February, Fellowship Service – Cafe Church
- 16 February, Donald Milne – United Service with Collingham
- 23 February, Service at Collingham 10.30am
Coming to church
We are a small, caring, friendly church where all are valued. Our membership includes babies and young children to the more senior members of our community and we aim to cater all. We offer a warm welcome to anyone who joins us in worship or at our events throughout the year. Whether you are looking to deepen your faith, are looking for support in your own personal and spiritual growth or find a church to become a member of, or are just visiting the area, we would love to meet you at our Sunday Service where we will give you a warm greeting.
We aim to instil traditional Christian values within our community by example. We also look at ways of supporting our community.
Regular worship
Our Services are normally held at 10.30am each Sunday and last for approximately one hour. Refreshments are served after the Service. Our Services have differing formats from the more traditional Services which may include Communion, our informal Cafe Church and Fellowship Services lead by our Stewards and congregation. Recently we have enjoyed a Service outdoors to dedicate and bless our new garden and another to give thanks for our pets.
On the second Sunday of each month the Service is ‘Cafe Church’ a more informal Service held in the meeting room where refreshments are available from 10.15am.
On occasion we have joint Services with other churches in the Tadcaster Circuit and more ecumenically with our local Anglican Churches.
We are one of nine churches that make up the Tadcaster Circuit. The Tadcaster Circuit endeavours to look after its congregation and local community and as well as local initiatives and support networks they provide some worship at home resources.
Below is a link to the preaching plan offered by The Tadcaster Circuit:

Special services
East Keswick Methodist Church is here for our members and the wider community through all aspects of life, from birth through baptism to marriage and end of life. Our minister and/or Lay Pastor will meet with you to offer guidance and support and to help you plan a service specifically tailored to meet your individual requirements.
Here at East Keswick Methodist Church we have a traditional style building (inside and out) with an organ, video projector (and screen), PA system, (including Hearing Loop), WiFi, as well as original pews (with some shortened to allow for wheelchairs and buggies). The sanctuary can hold a maximum capacity of 125 people (depending on seating arrangements) and the front of the building lends itself well to formal and informal photos.
Weddings are a time of celebration when a couple publicly make their vows of love and commitment before God, their families and friends. At the same time, the family and friends celebrate with them and promise their prayers and support. As a church and community we love to share these times of celebration of love and commitment and welcome all couples regardless of gender to our church for this special day.
If you are interested in getting married here at East Keswick Methodist Church, then do please get in touch.
A Funeral Service is the chance to say goodbye to a person’s earthly body, give thanks to God for their lives, commend them to God’s care and pray for those who mourn.
We aim to incorporate your requirements to provide a funeral or service of thanksgiving that meets your needs.
Baptism is a sacrament – a time when we publicly give thanks for the birth and life of a person, whether a small baby or mature adult – and remember the promise of God’s gift of love and grace for all. When we are baptised, we are publicly welcoming that person into the family of God and the family of the worldwide church.
If you are considering baptism for your child, or if you would like to be baptised yourself, please contact the minister, Rev Steve Jakeman, who will discuss the options with you.

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