Further information
Links to further information and useful resources


The website of the Methodist Church in Great Britain.
The Methodist Church

The website of the Yorkshire North and East District.
Click here to visit

The central place for all the information about our churches in the Tadcaster, Wetherby and Boston Spa area.
The Tadcaster Circuit
Our Mission Statement

Boston Spa Methodist Church
Click here to visit

Tadcaster Methodist Church
Click here to visit

The national ecumenical instrument supporting and encouraging churches from a wide range of traditions to work together in unity.
Churches Together in England

An online Bible resource.
Bible Gateway
Charities & Support

Working to bring an end to poverty across the world.
Christian Aid

A Christian relief and development agency working with local churches in many countries.
Tear Fund

Help for disadvantaged children across the UK.
Action for Children

Helping people to find solutions to poverty and become all that they can.
All We Can

Working to improve the quality of life for older people.
Methodist Homes for the Aged

Food bank for Wetherby and the surrounding district.
Wetherby and District Food Bank